The launching event of the B-WISE project, in will take place on October, 14th under the theme “Digital skills for the work integration enterprises of tomorrow”. It is an opportunity to discover the project, its goals and the partners. The event is also taking place in the framework of EASPD 25th anniversary event & ENSIE 20th anniversary!
The event will take place in hybrid mode. You can register through this link.
The draft agenda of the event is the following:
11:00 Launching the B-WISE project ceremony
- Ms. Jorna Kerstin – Director-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG Grow), European Commission
- Ms. Bussi Patrizia – ENSIE
- Mr. Zelderloo Luk – EASPD
11:30 – Opening Remarks: EASPD
11:35 – Opening Remarks from the European Commission: Karel Vanderpoorten or Urska Primec (tbc)
1st Panel – Moderator: Patrizia Bussi
11:40: WISEs innovation
- Martina Paterniti, ENSIE
- Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia (tbc)
11:50 : WISEs in Europe: State of Play – EURICSE
2nd Panel – Moderator: Timothy Ghilain
12:10 :Digitalization: Drivers and Barriers
- Karel Vanderpoorten or Urska Primec – European Commission (tbc)
- Lichtwerk
- RISE Romania & ADV Fundatia Alaturi de Voi
- EFVET (tbc)
12:30 : Sectoral cooperation: building a blueprint for skills through the B-WISE project – EASPD
12:40 : Questions & Answers
12:55 : Closing Remarks ENSIE