Press Release – The Launching Event of the B-WISE Project

On Thursday, October 14th, the 30 partners of the B-WISE project gathered in Brussels for the launching event of B-WISE, organized by EASPD in conjunction with its 25th Anniversary Conference and in the framework of ENSIE 20th anniversary. This event focused on the “Digital skills needs for WISEs of tomorrow” and set up the scene for part of the work that will be done during the project, underlining the current difficulties faced by WISEs and why the project is needed to support WISEs development and transitions.

The project partners were glad to be joined by the European Commission, with Hubert Gambs, Deputy Director-General DG GROW – Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs launching the event and from Karel Vanderpoorten, from DG GROW making opening remarks, who renewed their support to the project and to the sector so it can flourish and ensure that every worker has the skills needed to face the digital and the green transitions.

During the event, Euricse presented a preview of the project first deliverable on the state of play of WISEs in Europe. The speakers highlighted the challenges faced by WISEs in the area of skills, including digital skills, but also the innovative aspects of WISEs that will help them face those challenges. With the help of on the ground testimonies from Italy, Belgium and Romania, the participants were able to understand concretely the mental, legislative and concrete obstacles WISEs are facing in the digital transition. Indeed, WISEs do not always have yet the right mindset to face the transition, they often lack the financial support they need from public authorities and it will be harder for people with support needs to adapt to the new skills needed in the digital transition, as tasks will be more complex. All those issues should be addressed in the B-WISE project and solutions should be proposed for the sector.

The B-WISE project aim is to create a framework to support WISEs to face the future of work through the elaboration of a European strategy to address skill needs, in particular regarding digital skills in the WISEs sector. It will feed the European Commission Pact for Skills and Industrial Strategy for the Proximity and Social economy. The project gathers 30 partners from 13 countries.

Learn more about the B-WISE project: