WISE for Digital Upskilling

The WISE for Digital Upskilling project has the following objectives:

1. Developing, testing and implementation of innovative digital learning materials to be used for up-skilling of disadvantaged workers participating in work-based training in work integration social enterprises – literacy/numeracy and basic digital skills

2. Developing, testing, implementation and dissemination of a set of tools and innovative digital learning materials to better prepare job coaches in work integration social enterprises as professionals equipped to promote and achieve equity, diversity and inclusion challenges in the work-based learning environment – tools for skills assessment, designing integration pathways for disadvantaged workers and life and job coaching

3. Strengthening the cooperation, networking and practice sharing between organisations engaged in work based training for low skilled adults in participating countries. A common set of basic digital knowledge training materials for low skilled adults will be developed to also include new technologies that are emerging into the labor market.


  • Ateliere Fără Frontiere (Workshops Without Borders), Romania
  • Brigades Natures, France
  • Formació i Treball, Spain
  • ENSIE – European Network of Social Integration Enterprises, Belgium
  • RISE – Rețeaua Română a Întreprinderilor Sociale de Inserție, Romania


  • E-learning software / learning materials for literacy / counting / or digital literacy of adults with disabilities.
  • Learning materials for the training of pedagogues / team leaders / counselors in WISEs and exchange of tools on skills assessment, life and job training.
  • Online Observatory of labor integration policies, learning materials, case studies from participating countries available to any organization wishing to engage in these on-the-job education strategies, social service organizations of policies and practices in the countries participating.
  • Learning material on the professional integration of disadvantaged workers – what it is, how it works and practical examples.

The project will benefit directly the work integration social enterprises, social and employment service providers public and private non-profit, and social workers interested in strategies that prepare low-skilled, low-educated for labor market that will will improve their knowledge and skills in providing job-coaching and including job-coaching services and strategies in the intervention packages and in the local work integration policies.

Also as a result of the project, 70 work integration social enterprises, and other parties interested to support and develop work integration social enterprise such as labor agencies which also administer the social label, social service providers that will attend the multiplication event will receive project outputs on these topics and will gain knowledge and skills on the particularities of social and economic activities in work integration social enterprises, defining social indicators and reporting.

20 trainers/ staff that perform job coaching activities will improve their knowledge and skills. In addition 10 work integration social enterprise managers and future trainers will improve their knowledge and skills on designing and implementing effective work integration programmes for low skilled adults, identifying social indicators and social reporting in a work integration social enterprise following the short-term joint staff training events and will feel more confident to engage in economic activities integrated to the social services in order to assist low-educated beneficiaries to upgrade skills and get on-the-job training for the labor market.

RISE, as an umbrella organisation, will improve its capacity building resources and will be enabled to act as resource organisation and multiplier of know-how and good practices for work integration in Romania and ENSIE will transfer the intellectual outputs to work integration social enterprises in other European countries through its network of over 3,000 enterprises.