Workshops without Borders Association, the RISE Network and their partners in the WISE for Digital Upskilling project are launching an essential tool for anyone taking their first steps in the field of social enterprises in general or social insertion enterprises in particular – social entrepreneur, employment officer, local and national decision-makers who work so that disadvantaged workers can integrate into the labor market.
Learning brings with it the chance for a more fulfilling future, and in the case of vulnerable people, the possibility of an independent and decent life. Social enterprises, through insertion programs, are an active promoter of informal, long-term education.
If in the insertion programs, the emphasis is on the formation and development of social, emotional and professional skills, through the WISE for Digital Upskilling project the partners from Romania, Belgium, France and Spain rely on the development of digital skills.
The project aims to create teaching materials for adults who dropped out of school early. The first didactic material elaborated presents an x-ray of the social insertion enterprises from Belgium, France, Romania and Spain and of the work integration programs of the vulnerable people.
The material can be consulted and downloaded free of charge from the page dedicated to the project.
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