Natura Vie (Living Nature) Association, founded in December 2020, has a social insertion enterprise with a social brand in the form of an online store – – which sells only products of small local producers, other social insertion enterprises (ISI) or NGOs, vegan products, eco, 100% natural and without plastic or non-recyclable packaging.
The social mission of the Natura Vie Association is to promote a responsible and sustainable lifestyle and purchasing behavior in Romania by encouraging the purchase of eco-friendly and zero waste products from small local producers. The association also aims to support small Romanian producers who produce this type of product by offering them a market, marketing their products and negotiating preferential rates for them from courier and ecological packaging companies.
The Natura Vie Association is currently collaborating with 2 WISEs – Ophori and Atelierul de Pânză and with the Luthelo Association to which it offers in-store sales space for a very small commission and with 17 other small producers to whom it sells and promotes products with a lower commission than the market price.
In the autumn of 2021, Natura Vie will realize, together with the Life Education for All association, at least 2 outdoor learning spaces for a school in Romania and will conduct at least 3 environmental protection workshops in 3 schools in the country.
Also, within the social mission, the association aims to support ecological education and green infrastructure projects in schools (landscaping of green spaces and outdoor learning spaces in schoolyards for the sustainable protection of the environment) projects for which it will allocate 100 % of the company’s profit.
Being also a social insertion enterprise, the social mission of the association includes the employment of vulnerable people who are part of one of the two categories – victims of domestic violence or people affected by diseases that affect their professional and social life. At the moment, half of the association’s employees are severely disabled.
Since January 2021, the Living Nature Association is one of the 3 founding members of the national campaign School in Nature, which has launched a large campaign to survey the opinion of students, teachers and parents about the opportunity to run a minimum number of hours in the air. free in Romanian schools.
We are very happy to collaborate with the Living Nature Association within the national campaign “School in nature”. They pro bono conducted nationwide research that gathered relevant information from about 10,000 teachers, students and parents about the opportunity for some of the school hours to be held outdoors. Together we want to succeed in introducing this provision into a public policy.
(Sorana Olaru Zainescu. President of the “Spiridușii Pădurii” Forest Leprechauns Association)
Contact information Natura Vie (Living Nature) Association
- Address: Str. Principală, nr. 156, Ciucea, Cluj
- Email:
- Phone: 0727.648.946
- Website:
- Facebook: