The Court of Colours Association was established in February 2011 to carry out projects aimed at young people and people who are in conditions of abandonment and have various unmet social needs. The association was founded by a group of Italian and Romanian members of the Carmelite Ecclesiastical Movement, with the intention of providing housing, social, cultural, professional training and independent living skills to young women without families who have been institutionalised.
Most of the time, reality has shown us that young people who grew up in shelters have visible communication and relationship deficiencies, have a low level of personal and social autonomy and most of them have very low self-esteem.
Confronting the reality of the physical and social environment finds them insufficiently prepared, with an inadequate environment to perceive themselves and others, focused on rights, without taking into account responsibilities, without a system of internal norms to guide their lives. At the same time, their vulnerability is also given by an educational deficiency that could not be recovered in a self-taught manner with the passage of time. All these combined aspects make it almost impossible for them to find a job and create decent living conditions.
That is why the Court of Colours Association also supports this category of people to give them the chance to organise an orderly, decent and beautiful lifestyle.
At the moment the Court of Colours Association offers accommodation for five people.
Social microfarm
Within the project, they offer accommodation to the beneficiaries they work with and provide them with a set of living norms to live in harmony, understanding, work and reward. Respect for human nature is one of the values of the association and they consider it important that the food consumed should be as healthy as possible. From this perspective, they developed three workshops in their microfarm.
The garden with fruits, spices and vegetables – where they have vegetables, aromatic plants and fresh fruits, grown and cared for by the beneficiaries, together with the entire team of the association. They practice a natural-style agriculture, without using any kind of chemical solutions for the development and protection of plants, even if this means that they sometimes share the fruits of their labor with small but natural pests.
For the preservation of fresh products from the garden, I use natural methods – boiling/baking/drying fruits from the garden to be able to use them also in periods when they can no longer be found in fresh form.
The main workshop that enabled the sustainability of the project is the Cheese Workshop – where they produce cheese according to traditional Italian recipes with only natural products: milk and natural calf rennet or organic vegetable rennet. The milk we use in our cheese production comes from our pasture-fed cows.
In July 2021, the Court of Colours Association became a Social Enterprise and Social Enterprise of Insertion, creating 3 jobs within the Cheese Workshop. Two of the employees are beneficiaries of the project.
Court of colours Association contact:
- Adress: Sat Sarbova nr.161 307336 com Racovita (Timiș) Romania
- E-mail:
- Telephone: Adriana Formenti, 0740.346.836
- Website:
- Facebook: