Alături de Voi (Close to You) Foundation Romania (ADV)

Alături de Voi (Close to You) Foundation Romania (ADV Romania) is a non-governmental organization of social enterprise type, established in February 2002 by Holt International Children’s Service USA, whose mission is to include people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. ADV Romania has its national headquarters in Iași and is registered as a Romanian foundation, is independent from the state authorities, does not condition its support and actions of belonging to certain ideologies, doctrines or religions.

ADV Romania has established 3 social businesses over time, being declared the Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2016 in the world competition EY Entrepreneur Of The Year, and in 2021 obtaining the second place in the “Social Innovation” category in the first edition of the European Awards for Social Economy.

In a few figures, the social impact of ADV Romania in the community includes:

  • Over 1000 people from vulnerable categories who received professional guidance and qualification
  • More than 100 young people and adults assisted in their search for a job
  • Over 60 people with disabilities employed in the free labor market
  • More than 2,500 people have received psychosocial assistance services
  • More than 100,000 people received information for healthy living

The beneficiaries of the organization can be young people with disabilities, young people from the child protection system, young people from vulnerable groups (including NEETs) or other people with disabilities and from vulnerable groups. On the principle of one-stop-shop, a disadvantaged person or from the placement center, can access a package of services for a combination of problems: social, psychological, educational, career guidance, qualification, employment and workplace assistance.

ADV Romania comes to the aid of people with disabilities or other vulnerable groups with an integrated package of social and employment services, free of charge, consisting of:

  • counseling and career guidance;
  • work capacity testing, with the CASPER battery (complex tool for assessing people with disabilities, which allows shaping an “occupational profile” and identifying the most suitable job);
  • internship within the organization;
  • job coaching – assistance from specialists, both for people with disabilities or from other vulnerable groups employed within the organization, and for the coordinators of the departments in which the people were employed;
  • support in terms of socio-professional integration through on-the-job training and participation in training / specialization courses (internal or external) or personal development.

The team responsible for implementing the insertion program consists of a psychologist, social worker and mentor (the head of the department in which the person was employed).

The economic activity of ADV Romania consists of two types of services:

  1. Recruitment and employment services for people with disabilities, addressed to companies (promotion of positions, targeted recruitment of people with disabilities, selection of applications and initial interview of candidates, evaluation of candidates, preparation of candidate match report – job, accompanying selected candidates to the interview with the employer, employment, post-employment, HR services, occupational safety and health).
  2. Vocational training services in the fields: social economy entrepreneur, social enterprise manager, project manager, human resources manager / inspector, training of trainers, financial expert, career guidance counselor, archivist, manual binder.

The main challenge of ADV Romania in 2021 is related to the initiation of legislative steps in order to create a favorable framework for the development of the social economy sector.

The story of ADV Romania is written by people and represents their dream of creating a better world! Join us! Let’s build together! Let us be the change we would like to see in those around us!

What we do everyday practically defines our future!

Contact details Alături de Voi (Close to You) Foundation Romania (ADV)

  • Address: Strada Bazinelor no. 5, Uricani village, Miroslava commune, Iași county, postal code 707316
  • Email:
  • Phone: 0232 275 568
  • Website:
  • Facebook: